Benefits of LASIK

Benefits of LASIK

Benefits of LASIK

Benefits of LASIK

Benefits of LASIK

Benefits of LASIK

LASIK is the number one elective surgical procedure today, and more than a million Americans have had the procedure since its inception. The main reason for its popularity is the many benefits that it offers, including minimizing or eliminating the need for the patient to use eyeglasses or contact lenses after the procedure.
Let’s take a look at why LASIK is taking the ocular world by storm.

Better vision

Clearly, the biggest reason for choosing LASIK is improved vision. While some patients have relatively mild problems with their eyesight, others experience major disturbances in their vision that makes functioning day to day almost impossible without the use of glasses or contacts.  LASIK can dramatically improve the quality of your life, eliminateing the need to wear glasses or contacts. Those over 40, may still need to wear glasses for reading. 

A good investment

Eyesight is also notoriously inconsistent, with the majority of people finding that their vision marginally improves or deteriorates with each visit to the doctor When this happens, it is often necessary for the doctor to recommend a different prescription, which is an added expense to the patient. If a patient wears both contact lenses and glasses, they will break even financially between 8-10 years.


A short, painless procedure

LASIK surgery can be performed in one, very short procedure. You should expect to spend around 30 minutes in the surgery suite, but the actual time it takes can be as little as 10 minutes – for both eyes! The remainder of the time will be spent preparing you and ensuring you are comfortable afterward. The entire process is carried out after anesthetic drops have been placed into your eyes, so you can rest assured you will feel absolutely no pain throughout. However, if you are particularly anxious about the process, it may be possible to be given a sedative to help you relax.

Fast recovery

LASIK eye surgery is renowned for its fast, simple recovery process. You will be able to return home the very same day as your procedure, and the flap that was created in the corneal tissue will start to heal itself without the need for sutures or bandages. Most patients can return to work within a day or two of their procedure. However, you will be expected to attend a follow-up appointment with our Doctors within 48 hours of your surgery so that he can ensure that your eyes are healing correctly.

Extremely safe

LASIK is an extremely safe procedure when performed by a certified and experienced eye surgeon. Laser technology means that the incisions are made with total precision and accuracy, and the process is completely sterile. The risk of complications in laser vision correction is very low, and the complications are minimal, occurring in only around 1 in every 10,000 cases. Problems with LASIK occur from performing the procedure on poor candidates. It's imperative to have a thorough LASIK consultation. We believe our model of doing all the pre-operative testing and consultation is best as we have no financial interest with the laser and have no incentive to have the procedure performed on a less than perfect candidate.

Better quality of life

Eyesight problems can be a huge inconvenience. Activities like swimming and snowboarding are much more difficult if you need to wear glasses or contact lenses. In regular day to day activities, there can be the worry that your eyeglasses may fall off, or that you have left them behind when you need them. If you suffer from pollen allergies, you may find putting contact lenses in nearly impossible. In short, there are lots of ways in which the need for visual aids can interrupt your life, and it can be extremely frustrating. LASIK reduces or removes the inconvenience of eyeglasses or contact lenses and makes it much easier to get on with living life to the fullest.

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